Depriving humans of their ability to choose where they work, what kinds of work they engage in, how to manage the income produced by their labour, or restricting their ability to see family and friends remains among the most heinous of crimes. Trafficking in people can include dramatic scenarios where […]
Team Civitas News- Latest from July
Team Civitas- Latest news! The Covid-19 restrictions have eased in most areas of the country and we are some of the fortunate ones who are able to get back to the office, following strict guidelines. This also means that we are able to get some of our teams back out […]
Team Civitas News – A round up of our social media posting and some of our past projects.
Due to the current situation with COVID-19 in Lao PDR, most of the provinces in the country are in lockdown, including Vientiane Capital. The Civitas team are safely working from home and taking a much needed rest after a very busy few months. Whilst we are fortunate enough to still […]
World Health Day- Household Air Pollution attributes to 47% of deaths per year in Lao PDR
4.3 million people die each year due to household air pollution in globally, (WHO, 2012). Many people in Lao PDR still cook on open fires with iron tri-pod pot supports, three-stone fires, and other traditional devices. These families rely on firewood and charcoal as their main source of fuel. This […]
Annual Socio-Economic and Consumption Survey in villages affected by the Theun-Hinboun Power Project
With a capacity of 510 MW, THPC is one of the largest hydropower projects in Lao PDR. The company is committed to contributing to economic and social development of the country and operations…
Implementation of CDM Project Activity: Cookstoves for Improved Health and Environment in Lao PDR
Distribution of 100,000 Improved Cookstoves in Lao PDR to reduce non-renewable biomass consumption for cooking and water boiling, therefore reducing greenhouse gasses…
In-depth Social Rights Analysis of Forest and Biodiversity Protection Project
Conducting a standalone social rights analysis for the ProFEB lll project in Laos. The ProFEB project has four components: the nomination of the Hin Nam No National Park as a UNESCO World Heritage Site…
Supply Chain Impact Assessment of Agricultural Production in Lao PDR with use of the SenseMaker Technology
Working with twentyfifty and Narrate on an integrated supply chain assessment, investigating the social, economic and environmental factors for the target communities…
Liveable Wage Assessment among plantation and factory workers in Lao PDR
Burapha Agro-Forestry Co., Ltd is a Lao Swedish plantation and wood products manufacturing company, with its own sawmill…
Market Research on Vehicle Financing
High level strategic partnership for market research and the development of a market information data bank across a range of business and commercial sectors of Lao PDR…