Phu bia Mining – Sustainable Livelilhoods Programme The Sustainable Livelihood Programme (SLP) of Phu Bia Mining (PBM) is a five-year (2018- 2022) program that aims to establish improved livelihoods by developing One District One Product (ODOP) for Anouvong District, Xaysomboun province, Laos. The program also aims to build the capacity […]
Baseline study for project to improve rural household’s climate resilience
WFP Laos – Agriculture and Nutrition Project – Phase 2 (AFN-II) The AFN-Il Project is jointly funded by IFAD and GAFSP. The project aims to enable 28,000 vulnerable households living in selected areas of Lao PDR to improve their food and nutrition security, enhance their climate resilience, and increase their […]
Life skills for Waste Pickers – Module development
Swisscontact – Waste to Value Project The Waste to Value project, supported by the Swiss Foundation for Technical Cooperation and Swisscontact works to strengthen business operations, and improves workplace safety, for informal waste pickers increasing their income and quality of livelihood. This is complemented with awareness raising among small and […]
Review of Environmental and Social Management Plans for Forestry Landscape Management
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) – Scaling up the Implementation of the Lao PDR Emission Reductions Program through Improved Governance and Sustainable Forest Landscape Management (project 2) GIZ provides services in the field of international development education and cooperation. One of the key projects in Lao PDR is the […]
Community Consultations for Plantation Expansion
Burapha Agro-Forestry Company Limited Burapha Agro-Forestry is a Lao-Swedish wood product manufacturing company, with its own sawmill, processing facilities and plantations based in the Lao PDR. With a strong commitment to managing and expanding the business in a sustainable manner, Burapha believes that balancing the economic, environmental, and social […]
Annual Socio-Economic and Consumption Survey in villages affected by the Theun-Hinboun Power Project
With a capacity of 510 MW, THPC is one of the largest hydropower projects in Lao PDR. The company is committed to contributing to economic and social development of the country and operations…
Beneficiary Satisfaction Assessment of Community and Argricultural Development Project
Worked with the Graduate School of International Development Cooperation of the Hankyong National University…
Socio-economic baseline study for the up scaling of a community and agricultural development project in southern Lao PDR
Conducted a socio-economic baseline study, consisting of 335 interviews across 20 villages in three provinces. Civitas supports survey design, arranged for data collection via a digital platform…