Evaluation of direct support methods for family self-resilience
SOS Children’s Village Denmark & Laos – Strengthening Families Project The Family Strengthening Project, implemented by SOS Laos in Luang Prabang, aims at supporting households facing challenging circumstances to prevent family breakdown and thereby putting children at risk of being without family care.The end evaluation was designed as a qualitative […]
Integrated Context and Human Rights Analysis
GIZ (German Agency for International Cooperation) in Lao PDR GIZ provides services in the field of international development education & cooperation. The ongoing Protecting Forests and Biodiversity Project is being updated to increase sustainable and inclusive trade, investment and connectivity in the agriculture and forestry sectors, working to strengthen forest-based […]
Facilitation of participatory project design workshop for Youth workforce Readiness Project
SOS Children’s Village Denmark and SOS Children’s Villages Laos SOS Children’s Villages Denmark and SOS Children’s Villages Laos designed a three-year pilot project to improve the work skills of Lao youth, with the collaboration of the Lao Government, technical schools, and the private sector. Civitas facilitated an initial participatory project […]
Research on Impacts of Inflation and Food Insecurity in Laos
Plan International, Scaling Up Nutrition – Civil Society Alliance in Lao PDR SUN CSA is a formal network of organisations in Laos working on improving nutrition across Laos through improving nutrition impacts and outcomes via coordination, collaboration, advocacy, capacity building and knowledge management. Civitas developed a methodology to support the […]
Farmers Voices – Community Consultations on shared values in Tobacco Farming
Imperial Brands PLC Supporting agricultural producers in the Lao PDR, Imperial Brands focus on a sustainability strategy to create long-term business success and shared value for stakeholders. Civitas provides consultancy services to strengthen community engagement and support mutual understanding of local realities and international best practice.
Gender Assessment of the Waste Management Sector in Lao PDR
World Bank Group – Environmental Waste Management Project The World Bank is preparing a project support the Lao Government’s Green Growth Vision. Aiming to build capacity in waste management, the project team recognizes that project effectiveness can be improved by an analysis of the gender dimensions as well as […]
In-depth Social Rights Analysis of Forest and Biodiversity Protection Project
Conducting a standalone social rights analysis for the ProFEB lll project in Laos. The ProFEB project has four components: the nomination of the Hin Nam No National Park as a UNESCO World Heritage Site…
Supply Chain Impact Assessment of Agricultural Production in Lao PDR with use of the SenseMaker Technology
Working with twentyfifty and Narrate on an integrated supply chain assessment, investigating the social, economic and environmental factors for the target communities…
Liveable Wage Assessment among plantation and factory workers in Lao PDR
Burapha Agro-Forestry Co., Ltd is a Lao Swedish plantation and wood products manufacturing company, with its own sawmill…