Plan International – WASHIC The overall objective of the Plan WASHIC project is “to improve the status of reproductive health and reduce maternal, newborn and child mortality and morbidity, including malnutrition, in Lao PDR (RMNCH Strategy 2016-2025). In addition to health and nutrition, a special focus is put on addressing […]
Research on Consumption of Snack foods and Berverages in Infants
SNV – Enhancing Nutrition of Upland Farming Families (ENUFF) SNV is a mission-driven global development partner, rooted in the context and societies where they work. In Laos, the Enhancing Nutrition of Upland farming communities through improved feeding, caregiving and dietary practices, reduce incidence of WASH related diseases linked to malnutrition, […]
Support to implementation of WASH and Health Baseline and Endline Surveys
Plan International, Lao PDR – WIN Project Phase 2 & 3 The WIN project is a direct response to the recognised negative long-term development implications of under-nutrition for individuals, households and communities, and the fact that Lao PDR records the highest rates of under-nutrition in Southeast Asia. Civitas conducted training […]
Handwashing for ALL – Enabling people to protect themselves against infectious diseases including Covid-19
Handwashing for ALL – Enabling people to protect themselves against infectious diseases including Covid-19 HappyTap – WaterSHED Holdings Pte Ltd Civitas has partnered with HappyTap, developer and manufacturer of portable handwashing stations. Together Civitas and HappyTap aim to set a new normal for hand hygiene in schools, health facilities, offices, […]
Your Life Your Choice – development of an adolescent peer-to-peer education package on sexual, reproductive health and rights
Care International Laos Care International, a humanitarian organisation, addresses the high rates of early marriage and adolescent pregnancy in Lao PDR through a variety of programmes. Civitas has developed a peer-to-peer education manual, a training guide and supporting IEC materials to reduce early marriage through improved knowledge about sexual and […]
Data collection for a mid-term evaluation of the WFP School Feeding Programme
NR Management Consultants Pvt Ltd World Food Programme has provided long-term support to the Government of Laos to improve the nutritional status of Lao children. By providing support to develop school gardens and kitchens to feed children in school, educational attainment rates, and nutritional levels, are expected to improve. Civitas, […]