Rio Tinto Exploration – Lao PDR Rio Tinto Exploration is a mineral exploration company working to find better ways to provide the materials the world needs. A key focus of their business is to ensure a social licence to operate, and to achieve impeccable environmental, social and governance (ESG) credentials. […]
Implementation of Cookstove project reaching 100,000 households in Lao PDR
C-Quest Capital LLC C-Quest Capital is a social impact project developer providing access to sustainable energy services and clean energy technologies to families in poor communities around the world. Civitas, with the support of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), designed methodology for participant enrolment and user training […]
Implementation of CDM Project Activity: Cookstoves for Improved Health and Environment in Lao PDR
Distribution of 100,000 Improved Cookstoves in Lao PDR to reduce non-renewable biomass consumption for cooking and water boiling, therefore reducing greenhouse gasses…