WFP Laos – Agriculture and Nutrition Project – Phase 2 (AFN-II)
The AFN-Il Project is jointly funded by IFAD and GAFSP. The project aims to enable 28,000 vulnerable households living in selected areas of Lao PDR to improve their food and nutrition security, enhance their climate resilience, and increase their overall income. Key interventions will include support to planning at village and district levels, technical support to improve agriculture practices, establishing of networks and linkages to markets, while strengthening community-based groups and social organization.
Civitas designed a quantitative baseline methodology, implemented data collection, data management, cleaning, analysis and reporting. Core Outcome indicators for the project are based on the IFAD Core Outcome Indicators Measurement Guidelines from October 2021 and update from May 2022, the GAFSP Monitoring and Evaluation Plan of 2017 and Revised Tier 2 and Tier 3 indicators of 2022 and MAD and MDDW following WFP, WHO and UNICEF standards.